TrustID got a facelift!
Over the years, we have received plenty of feedbacks from end-users and customers. Additionally, we have gained a unique experience in the field of the Electronic Patient Record. With all this information collected, we collaborated with UX experts within the ELCA group to completely redefine the TrustID experience! It is now available to all our customers, at their request.
This new TrustID experience can be broken into two categories:
- Redesigned User Interface (UI)
Improved User Experience (UX)
Redesigned User Interface (UI)
The User Interface of the Login and Registration was completely redesigned from scratch. The main drivers were giving TrustID a more modern look, as well as unifying the user interfaces among Desktop and Mobile.

We are now using Material Design, a well-tried design language that combines principles of good design with technical and scientific innovation. Special care has been taken to ensure consistency between the various screens, not only from a visual standpoint, but also from a textual one. The wordings have been greatly simplified to make them understandable by a less tech-savvy audience.
Improved User Experience (UX)
The User Experience of the Registration process was greatly improved. The goal was to make it more accessible, faster, and fully integrable into your own corporate flows. Particular care has been taken to ensure that at no point the users can get lost and are unable to complete their registration.
Here are some of the points that were improved and/or added:
Registration can be tightly integrated within your workflow: The user begins his journey in your application, creates an account in TrustID, and is back in your application at the end.
Identity verification (“identification”) can be directly chained with the registration process. If multiple identification methods exist, the user can choose.
Custom business pages can be implemented for you and be an integral part of the registration process.
No need to manually type the SMS codes used for phone number validation anymore : They are directly inserted into the field!
Custom business emails can be sent at any point of the process.
The user is only required to enter his First Name, Last Name, Gender, Email Address and Phone Number, instead of the previous 12 (!) attributes.
If SMS codes are used for authentication, the user no longer needs to input two separate SMS codes during the registration.
Instead of going back and forth from his desktop computer to his mobile phone, the user is redirected to his mobile phone at the beginning of the process and stays there.
If the TrustID app is already installed, we automatically switch to it. If not, the user is redirected to the app store.
Each step of the registration is done on a separate page.
If the user’s mailbox is on his phone, he’s directly redirected back to the registration process after validating his email address.
Some of the points mentioned above can obviously be tailored to your needs.

New Customer
If you are a new customer you will automatically get it!

Existing customer
If you are an existing customer a workshop together will be required before setting up this new experience for you. Indeed, this experience brings so many new integrations options that it would make little sense to set it up without gathering your inputs first. Contact us immediately to plan this workshop!