The trusted digital identity for e-Health

The EPR is getting real

The healthcare sector in Switzerland is undergoing major changes, and the digitalisation of the healthcare system has accelerated with the arrival of the Electronic Patient Record (EPR) that is expected to be rolled out soon all over Switzerland.

Perceived challenges of EPR introduction : required expertise and frequent questions

  • The healthcare ecosystem is complex and requires a holistic knowledge of different areas such as the Swiss health regulation, the healthcare stakeholders, the procedures of the healthcare system and technologies.
  • There are many questions that are being asked by the healthcare professionals: Who will need a certified digital identity? What will be the changes on my existing processes? How much will it cost? Will it be easy to use? How can one securely consult an EPR  and how seamlessly do the available identity providers fit into my IT ecosystem?

Secure and certified IDP : TrustID by CloudTrust - an ELCA company

  • CloudTrust’s TrustID is built from the ground up with healthcare needs in mind and meets the severe requirements of the Federal Act on the Electronic Patient Record (EPRA) for the protection of digital data and identity. TrustID was already certified compliant in 2019.
  • TrustID is a digital identity provider solution with a strong multi-factor authentication.
  • TrustID includes the identity federation function enabling you to connect with your partners.
  • TrustID is It is based on open-source standard technology, allowing for simple integration into the client’s ecosystem.


Our services smooth your EPR implementation

  • Defining use cases: With a view to obtaining the EPRA certification, CloudTrust can accompany you in defining the use cases and procedures linked to the opening of your Hospital Information System (HIS) to your healthcare partners and patients. We follow a pragmatic methodology by organising trade workshops alongside you, so that we can prepare the most relevant use cases and define solutions together.
  • Security reinforcement and opening of your HIS to your partners: Our advice covers cybersecurity risk analysis as well as recommendations to ensure the security of your digital transformation. We also aid in the implementation of security elements such as API gateways and secure microservices architecture.
  • TrustID implementation: Our cybersecurity consultants have more than 15 years’ experience in implementing strong authentication solutions. We assist our clients with the implementation of secure digital identity solutions and identity federation.

Why CloudTrust and TrustID?

As a subsidiary of the ELCA Group, CloudTrust is helping companies/corporations and individuals to secure their sensitive data and personal information. CloudTrust designs, develops, integrates and maintain the product TrustID. TrustID is an Identity Provider (IDP) solution compliant with Swiss eID regulation and certified by the Swiss confederation for Health services. Available as a SaaS or on-premises solution, the product is developed, operated and hosted in Switzerland in ELCA's sovereign Cloud Infrastructure.

The TrustID solution is fully developed and operated in Switzerland and meets the highest current security requirements, as well as future requirements for the electronic identification for e-ID citizens. The solution is also deployed today for edulog (Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education) to manage the identities of the schoolchildren in all the cantons.


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